Student survey We would very much appreciate your feedback through completion of the following questions. Essential feedback is marked with an asterisk, yet fuller detail is very welcome indeed! Student feedback 1a. How much experience did you have in health care/treating patients before starting the training? 1b. Did you know? Please indicate if you were familiar with the following (1 = unfamiliar, 4 = confident)1234Vertebrae?Prolapse disk?Muscle spasm? 2. Why did you decide to become a physio student? 3. How did you come across this training course? 4. How did you like this training course? (what is your experience)* 5. What was the hardest part to learn? (why was this) 6. How useful might this training/teaching project be to your community? *ChooseNot usefulNot particularly usefulPerhapsUsefulVery useful 6b. Why useful? 7a. How (confident) do you feel about treating patients?*Choosenot at all confidentnervousslightly nervousnot nervousperfectly confident 7b. Why confident? (so we know how you feel) 8. Where are you going to treat the patients? (eg: “I am going to help Burmese refugees in Thailand”)* 9. How are you planning to find the patients? (eg: “go through the village” “speak to the health centre” “they are looking for me to help them already”)* 10. What is the healthcare provision situation in the community? (ie: are there any health centres, or any colleagues or physios working in your community already) 11. How many patients do you anticipate seeing in a week? 12. What conditions and problems do you anticipate you will treat in your community? 13. Are you being paid a salary for this work? (If so – are you paid by your government, community, NGO, charity or patients) 14a. Would you like to have more teaching modules brought to you? yesno 14b. Which modules? (which teaching modules would you like to have?)MSK (lumbar, hip etc)AmputeePaediatricsStrokeBurnsOther Your Name:*FirstLast E-mail:*SubmitReset