mnd Objective assessment Objective notes

seek medical help if the following apply

  • cough
  • dizzinessnocturnal pain/ drop attacks/
  • coughspeaking/ swallowing problem

  • dizziness
  • coughcancer/ inflammatory arthritis
  • dizziness
  • cough
    weight loss/ fevers
  • cough
    double vision
  • cough
    severe pain
  • cough
    spinal cord compression
  • cough
    significant vertebral tenderness
  • cough
    neck trauma/ surgery
  • cough
    preceding trauma or neck surgery

      Please confirm that you have checked that none of the above apply


      Health check Before you begin, have you experienced any of the following? If yes, seek doctor as soon as possible. 1: Night sweats? 2: Recent fever? 3: Change in bladder/bowel habits, more specifically urine retention/faecal incontinence? 4: Unexplained weight loss? 5: Cough more than 3 weeks duration +\- blood in sputum? 6: Pain down both legs? 7: Poor controlled leg movement? 8: Loss of feeling down both legs or around buttocks or inner surface of thighs?

Objective Diagnosis:

please make a note of your diagnosis number and name that appears here before clicking the 'next' button


mnd objective analysis

Did the burn happen less than 3 hours ago?


mnd objective analysis

Is the wound healed?

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mnd objective analysis

Is the size of the burn more than 10% ?
*if yes then seek medical advice if possible

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mnd objective analysis

Is it a face burn?
*seek medical advice if yes

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mnd objective analysis

Is it a deep burn?
*seek medical advice if yes

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mnd objective analysis

Has it happened less than 2 years ago?

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mnd objective analysis

Is it on the upper limb?

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mnd objective analysis

Is it on the shoulder?

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mnd objective analysis

Is there full range of movement of the joint?

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mnd objective analysis

Is it scar restricting?

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Objective analysis

Is it in the red zone of the shoulder?

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Objective analysis

Is it on the elbow?

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mnd objective analysis

Is there full range of movement at the joint?

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mnd objective analysis

Is it scar restricting?

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mnd objective analysis

Is it on the red zone of the elbow?

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mnd objective analysis

Is it on the wrist?

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mnd objective analysis

Is there full range of movement at the joint?

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mnd objective analysis

Is it scar restricting?

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mnd objective analysis

Is it in the red zone of the wrist?

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mnd objective analysis

Is it on the hand/fingers?

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mnd objective analysis

Is there full range of movement at the joints?

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mnd objective analysis

Is it scar restricting?

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mnd objective analysis

Is it in the red zone of the hand/wrist?

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mnd objective analysis

Is it on the neck?

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mnd objective analysis

Is there full range of movement?

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mnd objective analysis

Is it scar restricting?

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mnd objective analysis

Is it in the red zone of the neck?

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mnd objective analysis

Is it on the face?

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mnd objective analysis

Is it limiting any neck/facial movement?

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mnd objective analysis

Is it on the trunk?

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mnd objective analysis

Is there full movement at the trunk?

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mnd objective analysis

Is it scar restricting?

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mnd objective analysis

Is it on the lower limb?

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mnd objective analysis

Is it on the hips/pelvis?

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mnd objective analysis

Is the there full range of hip movement?

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mnd objective analysis

Is it scar restricting?

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mnd objective analysis

Is it in the red zone of the hip/pelvis?

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mnd objective analysis

Is it on the knee?

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mnd objective analysis

Is there full range of movement at the knee?

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mnd objective analysis

Is it scar restricting?

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mnd objective analysis

Is it in the red zone of the knee?

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mnd objective analysis

Is it on the ankle?

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mnd objective analysis

Is there full range of movement at the ankle?

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mnd objective analysis

Is it scar restricting?

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mnd objective analysis

Is it in the red zone of the ankle?

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mnd objective analysis

Is it on the foot/toes?

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mnd objective analysis

Is there full movement at the toes/foot??

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mnd objective analysis

Is it scar restricting?


Objective notes alert

Things to observe:

Here, we outline the objective results of your assessment, the progress towards functional goals and any treatments performed. Include details of any interventions, as well as frequency, duration and equipment used. The therapist should indicate changes in the patient's status, as well as communication with colleagues, family or carers.

Try to avoid:

  • Giving no detail
  • Summary detail such as: "ROM exercises given"

essentially, note:

  • range of movement (split into passive and active)
  • muscle strength
  • neurological assessment
  • gait
  • function

Using notes:

Simply type a note and press "Enter" key. You can edit existing notes or delete a note. To delete all your notes, use "Clear". However, as this will remove all notes on this page it is advised to copy and paste them into a document and store them elsewhere before clearing them here.

mnd Objective Assessment notes


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(after listening to my patient's account and from observing all signs and clues given)

  • My observations are...

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