Teacher feedback We would very much appreciate your feedback through completion of the following questions. Essential feedback is marked with an asterisk, yet further detail is very welcome! 1. Which module(s) were you teaching?* 2. Where were you teaching the modules? (continent/ town)* 2b. How many hours were you teaching per day and how long did it take to complete the module? 3. How many students attended your training? 4. How did you select your students? (any detail appreciated) 5. What were your main challenges and why? (any detail helpful) 6a. Did you find the modules easy to teach? *Choosevery difficultdifficultreasonablyeasyvery easy 6b. Were any aspects not easy to teach? 7a. Were all diagnosis options covered? (1=few... 5=all were)*Choose12345 7b. Were some vital diagnoses not included? (can you say which and why if so)* 8. Was the anatomy/ physiology/ pathology reference material sufficient, or too detailed? 9a: Were all necessary treatments included? (1= very few... 5=all)*Choose12345 9b. Treatments still required (why useful if required) 10a: Did the graphics help your students understand? (1=no help..... 5=very helpful)*Choose12345 10b: Could the graphics be improved? (if the drawings did not help, can you say why) 11a:Did your students find these modules helped them? (1 = no help, 5= very helpful)*Choose12345 11b. Student experience? (if your students found a module difficult can you suggest a reason) 12a. Would the community like more teaching modules?*yesnodon't know 12b. Which other modules would be useful to teach in the community? (is there obvious demand) 13.How could we improve the teaching modules? 14. Was exclusion or discrimination of the disabled an issue where you were teaching? (detail helpful) Your Name:*FirstLast E-mail:*SubmitReset